Class A self-referential writing

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11 Responses to Class A self-referential writing

  1. Dong Won Lee says:

    This is the first sentence of this story. This is the second sentence, which is telling you that the story will describe the self-referential things. This is the sentence, which is also repeated several times in the story itself. This sentence comments on the fact that this self-referential story contains its own structure and function. This is the last sentence of this first paragraph, which is never found throughout the whole story.
    This is the first sentence of a new paragraph. This sentence is introducing the protagonists of the story, Tom and Jerry. Sorry. Plagiarize? Really? No, this sentence is telling you that this self-referential story is a lot different from that story you may know. This sentence is introducing you that Tom is a boy with blonde hair and that Jerry is his brother. Shit. I’m not going to write this story any more. Tired. Headache. Woops, fragments. Sorry. This is not the last sentence of this paragraph, but this sentence tells you that this is the actually last sentence. Why? Do not know. This is the last sentence of this second paragraph.
    This sentence honestly says that the writer is not willing to do his job anymore. Tired today. Sorry. Fragment. Another. Bad device, perhaps. Will be used more later in this story but not today. Are you interested in my story? Do you want me to write more? Then, please wait. This sentence is telling you that the writer is going to stop writing things at all. Sorry. This is the last sentence of this paragraph as well as today’s last sentence. See you later.

  2. This is the first sentence of this paragraph, which is kind of unnecessary but is still written in an attempt to help the reader, but fails. This sentence is the second sentence of this paragraph, which tries to deliver a plot that most of the readers have been waiting for, and which the first sentence failed to do, but fails too. This tries again. Fails. Fragments. They represent. This Situation. Well. And this sentence thought that it would be the hero of the readers by succeeding to introduce a story, but fails. This sentence finally succeeds to write something worth of reading—at least from the writer’s opinion—, which is that this story is about a boy who struggles not to sleep while doing his homework. This sentence shows that the boy is actually under a lot of pressure these days. Why? This sentence can’t lead the reader to a clear answer, and it apologizes for it. Sorry. This sentence mocks the readers for not being able to read between the lines. This sentence apologizes for the preceding sentence’s arrogance. Sorry. The writer. Is. Indeed. Sorry. Fragments. Are a terrible. Way. To. End. A paragraph. For the reason stated in the preceding fragments, this sentence claims that it is grammatically correct and therefore is suitable to be the last sentence of this paragraph.

  3. Ginha Kim says:

    This paragraph is written with extreme laziness, also with no other purpose than simply finishing homework. Homework: write a self-referential paragraph (like the ones of Moser or Hruska which endlessly self-refer to themselves as the first sentence of this paragraph attempts to….) The paragraph contains an existential question to its own nature of existence. How can a non-living thing (this paragraph) refer to its self? Is there a self? After all, the author who created this paragraph is self-referring to its imaginatively created self, a self-referential paragraph. This paragraph serves to self-reflect itself on the nature that tries to self-refer to itself in order to reflect itself while referring to its self……life is a circle. However the paragraph will not turn out as a circle; it will appear to be a square, as it is , as you see it is. In this case, not the form, but the essence is formed in a circling logic. When this paragraph is seen with a heavy focus put on its nature rather than physical or literary form, is this self-referential approach to logic important at all? Or is the circling nature that reflects the nature of the author’s kind (of ceaseless self-contemplation) important? The paragraph notes that self-referential paragraphs are marvelous because the literary form represents the underlying meaning as well. Therefore this paragraph draws an infinite universe in the mind of the readers. The paragraph is written late in night, and therefore apologizes for the great confusion its existence created. This paragraph ends here, but at the same time never ends here. This paragraph is no where, or now here.

  4. Self-referential paragraph

    Ok, right off the bet, I don’t like the title. The title tells too much. If I were the student who had to read my writing for homework, I would have just read the title and pretend that I have read thoroughly for class. The title is boring, but it is too late to change it because I’m already working on my fourth sentence. I didn’t want to start my self-referential paragraph with “this sentence” because I wanted to write something creative, but now I am starting to regret it. Sorry if my writing until now is disappointing. Actually, I’m busy trying to not make any grammatical errors. My beloved composition teacher will murder me if I make any idiotic error. Ok, now I’m digressing. Actually I have a confession to make. I’m actually a terrible writer. Maybe, it would be better for you guys to stop reading my paragraph before it is too late and go find another writing from a better writer. But I don’t see the reason what I have to apologize because think about it, I didn’t ask you to read my paragraph. (I just notice that I have started my sentence with a “but,” but I’m too lazy to reach out for an eraser). This is actually something personal, so it would be nice of you to stop reading my writing immediately. I am asking you politely. Stop reading it. Stop. You still reading? Do not read the next sentence for god’s sake. OK, I had enough. I am out of here.

    I bet you haven’t notice that I have another paragraph. Just checking… so let me continue my self-referential paragraph, which no one will even know if it exists.

  5. POEM

    This is my POEM..
    This is my thought
    in this POEM.
    This is my implied
    sentence in this POEM.

    This is my first sentence
    of the 2nd stanza in this POEM.
    this is my gloomy
    feelings in this POEM.
    This is the sentence of
    conclusion and gravity in this POEM.

    …This is my last sentence of this POEM.

  6. The story begins like this: Once upon a time, there was a ninja. This story is about a story of a unfortunate ninja and the story begins like this: Once upon a time, there was a ninja. His name was Johnson. “Johnson.” What a terrible name. Who would ever want to read a story of Johnson. The name Johnson is not satisfying but since I hate to think of another name, his name is Johnson. Johnson was an orphan. His father died in The Ninja World War III and his mother died 7 hours after he was born. I personally like the “7 hours” part; it is an irony that seven represents lucky while Johnson is in a unlucky situation. Everyone hated Johnson until Scott, Johnson’s teacher, appeared ( I tried to use what I learned in the Folk Tale section, but since it is pretty hard and tiring, I will not bother doing it any more). Scott felt sorry for the boy and decided to make him the strongest ninja in the world believing that if Johnson becomes strong, everyone would stop ignoring him. The story that this story is telling is too obvious, making the story itself boring. However, readers would not notice how dull this story is because they will be busy trying to find out what in the world I am talking about. No one will understand this story because they do not know that this story is a self-referential story, a story that analyzes a story in the story. So I will just keep writing this unexciting story. With Scott’s teaching and Johnson’s effort, Johnson becomes the strongest ninja and gains respect for others. The story ended but the story didn’t end. I do not want to end my story with the same ending of the story because at the very moment I started writing my story, I have decided to end my story like this ” I do not like my story but I do not care because I am sleepy.”

  7. Dahyun Kim says:

    This is going to be the first sentence of a very bad attempt at a self referential paragraph. This sentence may be a sentence that may explain why this is going to be a self referential paragraph. This sentence informs the reader that the earlier sentence is of no use whatsoever, so the reason for why this is self referential is not going to be explained. This sentence shows that the writer is running out of good sentences that begin with “this sentence” so this sentence is an awful one. This sentence wonders if it should mention why the author starts every sentence with “this sentence” but the sentence knows that it is a part of a self referential paragraph, therefore it feels no need to explain the meaning behind the repetition. This sentence may or may not be the last sentence of this paragraph, depending on the length of this paragraph compared to the other people’s paragraphs. This sentence is an added on sentence that has absolutely no meaning because the writer has seen the other people’s paragraphs, thought that hers was too short, and therefore added on this completely meaningless sentence.

  8. Jennifer Han says:

    This is the first sentence of the writer’s first self-referential piece. The second sentence explains how the writer is hesitant to move her pen, type in this case, because she is aware that she is not an excellent self-referential writer; even if she were, she would still state that she can’t for the sake of modesty. This sentence elaborates further on how the writer is especially worried about making idiot errors, the errors defined by her English composition teacher, Mr.Dranginis, whom the writer is actually writing for, and other grammatical errors including run-on sentences and spwelling, errors she often makes. Oops. The previous sentence just shows how the writer can’t write clearly or coherently, so she hastily ends her paragraph right here. Actually, this is the last sentence of the paragraph because the writer just realized that a paragraph should be more than five sentences long.

  9. Dong Hun Kim says:

    First and foremost, I must make a good attention-grabber—a hook, as some may say. After that, I should start to explain the hook, and slowly link it with what I am going to talk about. I guess it is about time to introduce the topic of this essay, which I will put as “self-referential essays.” Now I am going to express my view on the topic, which will be “why the heck do they even exist?” Oh, the previous sentence was the one with the thesis statement, and I will elaborate a bit on it in this sentence. Or maybe not.
    Now that I have introduced my thesis, it will be a good idea to start a new paragraph, which I have done with this sentence. Now I should introduce one of my main points—maybe I should say, “self-referential essays have a tendency to become monotonous.” At this point, I should realize that I myself am writing a self-referential essay, and apologize for being a hypocritical idiot.
    Time for another transition. Here I should explain the history of apology by authors of self-referential works. Put in a second main point: self-referential works are self-deprecating by default. Slip in a couple of quotes from Moser, like “this sentence….” For good measure, I’ll put in something from Hruska, saying that I also have “gross errors [that] will not please [Mr. Dranginis].” Good riddance, I’ve overdone it. Mental note: do not overuse quotes.
    By the rule of three, I will put in a third main point even thought I don’t have one. That was the transition. This is the third point, which should be along the lines of “people hate the weak humor attempted in self-referential works.” Here I will make a little digression, then get back on track. A long diatribe against cheap humor, why self-referential works utilize cheap humor, and finally self-referential works themselves.
    The conclusion should restate the three main points if possible. Rephrase the thesis statement here. Like all self-referential essays, apologize onece more for such a boring essay. Acknowledge that sentence fragments should only be used by accomplished writers. Now I’ll beg for forgiveness from Mr. Dranginis. Finally, make a future suggestion: “don’t write self-referential works unless you think you’re a pretty good writer.”

  10. Ju Hyun Song says:

    This is the first sentence of a self -referential paragraph. This is the second sentence of a self-referential paragraph trying to explain various handwritings. This is the sentence following the previous sentence pondering whether the handwritings it is going to explain can be expressed properly in a print form. Thus this passage is using another sentence to state that it might be more helpful for the reader to ask for a scanned version of this self-referential essay (required). This sentence is now warning its readers that this self-referential essay is about to start………
    This us a sentence showing slanted prints-slanted words seem as if they are about to fly away (woosh!). THIS IS A SENTENCE OF CAPITALIZED PRINTS THAT SEEM AS IF THEY ARE ANNOUNCING SOMETHING IMPORTANT WHEREAS IT ACTUALLY ISN’T REALLY SAYING ANYTHING. YOUR SPELLINGS GET MIXED UP WHEN YOU’RE NOT USDE TO USING CAPITAIZED PRINTS. this is a sentence of small prints that are trying to cram into this single line of the page. minimize the spaces, downsize the alphebets. This is a sentence of lefthand writing and it took the writer for more than the time used for writing previous sentrnces to finish this sentence. nwod-edispu siht daer ot evah lliw uoy dna ,nwod-edispu nettirw ecnetnes nwod-epispu na si sihT This us the final sentence of this paragraph trying to wrap up, written in one of the simplest handwritings.

  11. Joe says:

    This scentence is not the first sentence of the paragraph. I am about to start a paragraph. But I didn’t wtart yet. How should I start? Today I ate a cheese burger, without a cheese. I want to write about this story. But I don’t know how to start. Why is it so hard to write a paragraph? Oh, wait, wait. I think I’ce got an idea. So, the first sentence of the paragraph would be……This is the First sentence of a paragraph.

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